HHS Homepage Redesign

August 2019

Our team was tasked with redesigning the homepage for the department of Health and Human Services. My role was the lead designer within a Scrum Team on this project. This was designed and developed in an agile environment, specifically within the scrumban methodology.



Project Goals

  • To refresh the HHS.gov homepage in short amount of time to show incremental improvement before a larger site migration effort

  • Increase brand awareness that HHS is an umbrella organization that has many more recognizable agencies within it

  • Iterate quickly within an agile framework by creating as much impact with a low level of effort

Project Scope

Since this Redesign was an incremental improvement one of the constraints was that this page wasn’t a complete redesign; we needed to keep Logo, header, navigation and search bar from the last version.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

One goal was to to increase brand awareness that HHS is an umbrella organization by highlighting the agencies within it in the explore our agencies section.




Crazy Eights Exercise

I led a co-creation crazy eights session to generate more ideas quickly with agile continuous improvement team and product owners. We wanted to start adopting the look and feel of USWDS 2.0 before we implement it fully once the site is migrated to Drupal 9.


Summer of Design DT:DC